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Corporate Culture

In the age of digitalization, corporate culture is gaining special importance. This is especially true in the healthcare industry, which often lags behind other industries in terms of digitization.

But if a culture of trust and cooperation can be established in the healthcare system, then digitization will also work. The mindset of the individual and the collective character of a healthcare company must be further developed for this purpose. As a result, the increasingly digitally savvy health care consumers will regain their trust in traditional service providers.

Challenge: With today’s and tomorrow’s information and personalized health services, including medicine, an increasing amount of informative data and ever simpler possibilities for monitoring vital parameters, the line between illness and health is becoming blurred. Patients are often just as insecure as service providers and cost units. Digital technologies are both the cause and the longed-for saviour. In cases of doubt, data protection concerns are used as a reason for health institutions not to act. However, the focus of digitization is not on digital networking, but on a renewal of cultural quality in the company.

Outlook: Every healthcare company has its own strengths and challenges. A cultural change in depth and breadth, as required by digitization, will only take place when the employees in the company develop further. The transformation to a noticeably new corporate culture requires many small steps and challenges managers to a great extent. The change towards a learning, agile organization in the healthcare market is an existential prerequisite.

Experts in the Healthcare Shapers network not only have in-depth market knowledge and many years of consulting experience in the healthcare industry. They also know how corporate culture can be made storm-proof in dynamic times of digital change.

Corporate Culture

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Some of our clients seek informal exchange with experts. Come to one of our events, where we talk about trends in the healthcare industry. Other clients simply want to get a second opinion on a difficult question. At a Sounding Board, we bring together the right experts and take a position on your question. Very pragmatically and without a large consulting fee. Sometimes, however, it is also a matter of clarifying a question. Often a tailor-made workshop with the right people involved helps to create a concrete project plan. And if you already have the plan for your project, we can help you find the right consultant or the perfectly coordinated project team. Often we also fill roles ad interim. And always without overhead costs. Because we are not a consulting firm but a network of independent entrepreneurs. And we think just as entrepreneurially as our clients.

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