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IT in Healthcare

The digital revolution of the Industry 4.0 does not stop at the healthcare sector and makes high demands not only on structures and processes, but especially on information technology.

Challenge: Medicine 4.0 cannot function without IT. In order for data to be exchanged between patients and doctors, insured persons and payer organizations, customers and companies, legal and regulatory hurdles must be overcome and technical and organizational prerequisites must be created. In addition, the requirements of e-commerce, e-business and digitalisation often have to be implemented at short notice alongside day-to-day business.

Outlook: For IT in particular, this means cost transparency and reduction, combined with increased efficiency and shorter project durations, the introduction of scalable and dynamic sourcing models and the introduction of agile process models. New customer relationship management (CRM) systems, preferably in the cloud, must be introduced and follow a big-data strategy. Omnichannel will be the new model to improve marketing, customer management and sales.

Healthcare Shapers provide support in the development and implementation of IT strategies as well as the associated organizational change processes and the operational implementation of IT projects. We are familiar with the development of new business models, shorter technology cycles, up to the selection or introduction of an e-commerce platform or the digital transformation of analog processes and data.

IT in Healthcare

How to engage with us

Some of our clients seek informal exchange with experts. Come to one of our events, where we talk about trends in the healthcare industry. Other clients simply want to get a second opinion on a difficult question. At a Sounding Board, we bring together the right experts and take a position on your question. Very pragmatically and without a large consulting fee. Sometimes, however, it is also a matter of clarifying a question. Often a tailor-made workshop with the right people involved helps to create a concrete project plan. And if you already have the plan for your project, we can help you find the right consultant or the perfectly coordinated project team. Often we also fill roles ad interim. And always without overhead costs. Because we are not a consulting firm but a network of independent entrepreneurs. And we think just as entrepreneurially as our clients.

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