Healthcare Shapers Perspectives Guest:
Erkan Hassan, PharmD, FCCM
Chief Clinical Officer, Sepsis Program Optimization
Innovative technology alone does not ensure success. Clinicians and technology groups are accustomed to working in divergent methods and cultures. Combining the 2 approaches is critical for success.
Healthcare poses unique characteristics for innovators vs other industries. Innovators need to determine the optimal solution during development; evaluating their solution through the clinical outcome lens and prepare for after the sale solution support. Healthcare innovators have to blend clinical needs to meet business success.
Listen or watch as Erkan Hassan describes how to address clinical validation, integration into clinician workflows and selective metrics to demonstrate success.
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Healthcare Shapers Perspective Podcast
Healthcare Shapers Perspectives Video
Erkan Hassan couples 19 years of bedside clinical experience with 20 years of designing and implementing innovative technologies within integrated health delivery systems to deliver quantified patient centered clinical and financial outcomes.
Erkan helps healthcare innovators maximize clinical acceptance by leveraging the synergy of interdisciplinary clinical transformation and technology to solve health systems challenges to improve outcomes.