Christian Walter
Christian Walter has more than 20 years of experience in the care market. He is specialised in procurement, process optimisation, and IT for care organisations. He started his career as a male nurse and earned a master’s degree in nursing & healthcare management. Christian worked in hospitals as well as for IT and service companies, catering the needs of care and healthcare providers.
In 2010, Christian established carefactory and later brought in further self-employed partners. Today, the range of services provided by carefactory GmbH includes:
- Organizing, implementing and marketing services and service concepts in the area of business consulting with a focus on healthcare and the inclusion of established IT solutions.
- Creating transparency throughout the entire purchasing process for FOOD and NON-FOOD, from recipe and meal planning to contract and supplier management.
- Providing comprehensive and sustainable presentations of the value chain and decisions through the use of target-group and thematic dashboards; offering individualized reporting systems; and creating qualitative data harmonization and transparency in product-group analysis and/or product range management.
- Facilitating sustainable potential and savings identification and guaranteeing effectiveness.
In his work, Christian always focuses on pragmatic ways to economically and efficiently use IT systems in the care market.

Expert's Profile
Chapter: DE Members
Functional Expertise
Sales | Supply Chain / Distribution
Process Expertise Tools
Statistics / Analytics | Strategy
Market Expertise